The 21st century lifestyle

Dec 01, 2022ChenYuhang

Screens are our life like never before. They’re how we connect, work and unwind. A lot of us can be looking at an illuminated screen 8+ hours a day. And it takes its toll on your eyes, brain and body.

It’s the blue light from digital screens that’s the core of the problem. It messes with natural hormone production and sleep cycles, getting your body out of sync. It also impacts your eye and macular health, colour perception & vision.

Created by some of the world’s leading minds

With 140 years’ experience in dairy expertise, Fonterra has developed deep knowledge of ingredients and technologies to produce infant formulas designed to help optimise young developing brains. In one of the tightest regulatory and scientific environments in the world, they have earned a reputation as world leaders in paediatrics, infant cognitive growth research and product development.

This knowledge and science allowed their team of scientists to springboard development of a range of supplements to support the brain performance of adults.

One of the world’s leaders in dairy nutrition

Amplifying nature through the best grass-fed dairy, essential vitamins and plant based ingredients

Together with the very best minds for the very best minds.

Game-changing brain nutrition system

Support to keep brains fighting fit to take advantage of the infinite possibilities in front of them.

At the core of our range, lies three ingredient bundles to introduce the right night nutrients to support specific needs of modern day brain performance. Introducing…



Blue light filter for macular health
  • Consistent levels of lutein and zeaxanthin are crucial to support macular health, but difficult to get these nutrients from our daily diets.
  • Our Pro-Sight™ formulation provides 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg zeaxanthin in every serving, sourced from marigolds. These two nutrients help the retina filter blue and UV light.
  • Pro-Sight™ also includes vitamin A and riboflavin, essential ingredients for maintaining macular health.
  • Pro-Sight™ is found in Focus Plus, Calm Plus and Probiotic Plus.


For alertness and mental clarity
  • The brain needs a steady supply of a key nutrient known as Phosphatidylserine (PS), but levels of this nutrient are low in the average modern diet.
  • With over 100mg of PS per serve, ThinkSharp™ boosts that daily intake.
  • Consistently high PS levels have been scientifically researched to support cognition over time – including memory, focus, mental processing and creativity, particularly during times of need.
  • ThinkSharp™ also includes important B Vitamins - B12, B6 and Pantothenic Acid.
  • ThinkSharp™ is found in Focus Plus.


For mood and stress support
    • In times of stress, the body quickly depletes itself of key nutrients and requires additional support to maintain balance.
    • StresLes™ includes the specialised combination of vitamin C, riboflavin and vitamin B6 to help with mood, energy and stress management. Supporting you to feel calm and collected throughout your day.

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