
Anmum PediaPro3 NZ - Creativity & Play


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Frequently asked question

We believe that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for your little ones. We support the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for breastfeeding as the only source of nutrition for the first 6 months of life, and the introduction of safe and appropriate foods thereafter to supplement continued breastfeeding.

While breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies, we also support the World Health Organisation’s acknowledgement that infant formula is the only safe alternative where women cannot or chose not to breastfeed. Introducing partial bottle-feeding can negatively affect breastfeeding, but for mothers who cannot or choose not to breastfeed, Fonterra has developed Anmum – a range of nutritionally formulated infant formula products. 

Anmum has been successfully sold in markets in Asia for the last 18 years and is a trusted brand internationally. Anmum has been sold in New Zealand since 2016. Being owned locally by the farmers of Fonterra, and with over 50 years of expertise in the paediatric nutrition area, we are really proud of our formulation.